Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Just. Say. No.

I grew up in school with a program called D.A.R.E. I have no idea what it means, but it told you what peer pressure was, that drugs are bad, and to just say no. I'm sure it taught other things, but that's what I took away from it.

Well, I have realized that this applies to many addictions and that just "saying no" isn't as easy as the phrase itself. For something so simple, it's sure a huge action to actually take.

I'm having trouble just saying no because what people would expect you to do with other addictions...cut your addict friends out, don't surround yourself with drugs, go to meetings, seek therapy, talk to your doctor...but unlike those things, food is everywhere and its normal to eat. If I said I was going to get something to eat, no one would respond like they would if I was going to go snort a line of cocaine.

Am I suppose to quit my job because I make cupcakes?

Am I suppose to cut off a friendship because they make a run to McDonalds with me in the passenger seat?

Am I suppose to never speak to my family again because they cooked something unhealthy and invited me to dinner?

I'm not downplaying other addictions, I am downplaying people downplaying food addictions. Just like any other addictions, 12 steps are needed to overcome this one, too.

 I can control it, though its hard and a struggle, it's manageable. I know tons of people who feel helpless against their addiction and that makes me sad. No one should feel helpless.

I had to take myself back to a time when I was helpless and what I did to help myself overcome a huge obstacle. The answer?

Knowledge and support.

I educated myself on mental illness, on addiction, on food, on health, on diet and on excersizing. I didn't change overnight or over years, I am still struggling...but if you are, you can overcome the helplessness by educating yourself....and maybe educating yourself means going to someone to help educate you and guide you.

Support. This might mean disconnecting yourself from toxic people in your life, or at least lengthening the rope a bit. It took me years to realize my parents were the ones loading the bullets into my gun.

So, surround yourself with people who can offer you support, I can offer you support. God bless the internet, on one end there is this terrifying unreal, scary side...but on the other end there is this truly remarkable invention that can give someone alone the support they need to overcome any obstacle they encounter. How beautiful is that?

Take comfort in jesus. Jesus loves you so much. He can be your best friend and take away any struggles you have. Of course that one is often met with much hesitation for people not being "believers" or "religious". But, if you're willing to open your heart and mind, I promise it will free you.

Of course with food addiction often comes with a long list of other ailments that as someone who just plays around, I am unable to fully as always, talk with a health professional, they too can offer knowledge and support on this journey.

The point of this blog is this, you can do it. Will and endurance don't come in an epiphony overnight, if they did we would all be healthy, thin, and built like stone...the ultimate goal is live a health lifestyle, not to be a size 0. Remind yourself of that everyday, it's a lot more comforting knowing you're giving you body what it needs to live and prosper. Your body is a temple, show it.

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